wildman days 5k fun run
Saturday May 30th, 2020 8AM
Anderson Commuinity Park
Lawrenceburg, Kentucky
Can you outrun the Kentucky Wildman???
Lace up those running shoes and hope for the best! This exciting 5K takes you into the heart of Wildman Country. Anderson County in Central Kentucky has recorded sightings of a Bigfoot-like creature dating back to the 1700s. Will you be one of the lucky (or perhaps unlucky) few that sneak a peek of this hairy beast?
A Kentucky Wildman will be running the race with you. Will you outrun the Wildman and be a Survivor, or will you become Roadkill when he passes you? Remember, it's easier to run fast when there's something chasing you. Will you cross the finish line before The Wildman?
The following awards will be given:
Overall Fastest Time
Fastest Male and Female in the following age divisions: 13-18, 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 and over
Fastest Kid (12 and Under)
Last Standing Survivor (last to cross the finish line)
PLUS: The Wildman may just have a few goodies to toss out along the route!
Registration will open late January. Pre-registration fee is $25. Day of Race Registration will be $30.
All pre-registrants will receive an exclusive Wildman Days 5K Fun Run T-shirt. Additional t-shirts can be purchased at time of pre-registration. Day of Race registrants may receive shirts on a first come, first serve basis
Packet Pick Up
This year you will be able to pick up your race packets on the evening before the race. On Friday, May 31st, visit the Information Booth at Wildman Days for early packet pick up. You will also be able to pick up your packet the morning of the race.
race sponsorship
We have several levels of sponsorship available. Download our Race Sponsorship Brochure HERE.
sharing is caring!
Be sure to RSVP to our Facebook event. And, while you’re there, share with all your friends!